For Your Consumption
I find the hardest thing to write about is myself. Maybe that’s bad, maybe I’m bad at reflecting on my own motivations. Or making them make sense to people.
But honestly, I only feel driven to write about myself because it’s an effective marketing tactic. It’s parasocial. It’s proven that it’s more likely you’ll buy the book I have for sale if I make you feel connected to my personal story. if I build a relatable brand, your brain (and social algorithms as well) will respond better to my overtures, better than if I just say, “I have a book for sale.” It validates the book-buying decision within you by proving I am an authentic, interacting, engaging person.
So I sit here struggling over how to turn who I am into a viable product. How to package myself best for your consumption.
And if you really are curious about me, there is your answer.
Who am I? What this world has made me.
What am I up to? Trying to produce something useful and convince others of its value.
How is it going? How do you think? Literally- do you feel pulled by this too?
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